vendredi 22 septembre 2017

Python - Soccer Team allocation: Randomly select a score from a .txt file AND ensure it doesn't get selected again

I am a school teacher and I've been working on a way to select even soccer teams for an entire year level.

-Figuring out how to make even-teams isn't the problem-

What I have so far randomly selects 4 students on offence, 4 students on defence, 1 goalkeeper, & 1 coach (teacher) After which, it displays the teams average score. Please see current code below:

import random

numberofteams = int(input('How many teams? '))
for x in range(numberofteams): 

    offence = open('offence.txt','r').read()
    offence = offence.split('\n')

    for i in range(len(offence)):
        offence[i] = offence[i].split(', ')
        offence[i][1] = float(offence[i][1]) * 1000

    def offencelist(offencelist):
        offence1 = offencelist.pop(random.randint(0,len(offencelist)-1))
        offence2 = offencelist.pop(random.randint(0,len(offencelist)-1))
        offence3 = offencelist.pop(random.randint(0,len(offencelist)-1))
        offence4 = offencelist.pop(random.randint(0,len(offencelist)-1))

        offencescore = (offence1[1] + offence2[1] + offence3[1] + offence4[1])/4000

        return offence1[0], offence2[0], offence3[0], offence4[0], offencescore


    defence = open('defence.txt','r').read()
    defence = defence.split('\n')

    for i in range(len(defence)):
        defence[i] = defence[i].split(', ')
        defence[i][1] = float(defence[i][1]) * 1000

    def defencelist(defencelist):
        defence1 = defencelist.pop(random.randint(0,len(defencelist)-1))
        defence2 = defencelist.pop(random.randint(0,len(defencelist)-1))
        defence3 = defencelist.pop(random.randint(0,len(defencelist)-1))
        defence4 = defencelist.pop(random.randint(0,len(defencelist)-1))

        defencescore = (defence1[1] + defence2[1] + defence3[1] + defence4[1])/4000

        return defence1[0], defence2[0], defence3[0], defence4[0], defencescore


    goalkeeper = open('goalkeeper.txt','r').read()
    goalkeeper = goalkeeper.split('\n')

    for i in range(len(goalkeeper)):
        goalkeeper[i] = goalkeeper[i].split(', ')
        goalkeeper[i][1] = float(goalkeeper[i][1]) * 1000

    def goalkeeperlist(goalkeeperlist):
        goalkeeper1 = goalkeeperlist.pop(random.randint(0,len(goalkeeperlist)-1))

        goalkeeperscore = (goalkeeper1[1])/1000

        return goalkeeper1[0], goalkeeperscore


    coach = open('coach.txt','r').read()
    coach = coach.split('\n')

    for i in range(len(coach)):
        coach[i] = coach[i].split(', ')
        coach[i][1] = float(coach[i][1]) * 1000

    def coachlist(coachlist):
        coach1 = coachlist.pop(random.randint(0,len(coachlist)-1))

        coachscore = (coach1[1])/1000

        return coach1[0], coachscore


The big problem right now is that students are currently showing up in 2 or even more teams which is obviously impossible and I have no idea how to fix this. I think I need to keep random.randint as I will eventually want to do calculations with the student's scores.

The code gets the student data from individual .txt files (I've purposely sorted offence & defence by gender to make it easier to spot errors - please see below:


Harry, .984
Ben, .982
Tom, .981
Sam, .979
Kyle, .969
Shaun, .965
Louis, .963
Bob, .962
Bill, .959
Robert, .959


Olivia, 1.0
Stephanie, .995
Kate, .989
Lucy, .987
Heather, .983
Sarah, .979
Elizabeth, .975
Besty, .974
Jan, .972


David, .988
Emily, .985
Amelia, .982
Annabelle, .979
Michael, .976


Denham, .991
Gardner, .989
Nevett, .985
Rogers, .981
Green, .979

I apologise for both the long code as well as the long question. But if anyone could help I will be in genuine awe.

Thanks very much

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