I am trying to draw samples from a distribution p(M) ~ M^(-1.5) in the interval 10^5 to 10^9. I am comparing my numerical approach to the analytic one. Here is what I have :
import numpy as np
import mpmath as mp
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from scipy.optimize import brentq
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
norm= 1/quad(lambda x : (x)**(-1.5),10**5,10**9)[0]
def p(M):
return norm*(M**(-1.5))
def cdf(M):
return quad(p,10**5,M)[0]
sample_GM_th= lambda: (10.**((-0.5)*5)+(10.**((-0.5)*9)-10.**((-0.5)*5))*np.random.uniform())**(1./(-0.5))
def icdf(M):
return quad(p,10**(5),M)[0] - np.random.uniform()
sample_GM_num= lambda: brentq(icdf,10**5,10**9)
Now, if I drew say 1000 samples from both of them :
for i in range(1000):
I expected that the resulting distributions will coincide, but I found that the one from numerical approach is quite different from the analytic one.
Can anybody explain why this is happening?
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