lundi 13 novembre 2017

Numbers aren't displaying for my output

I am trying to get the numbers display as my output from the ArrayList I have created. I asked the user how many numbers do they want in the ArrayList, then used a for loop to generate random numbers between 1-100 and they would be thrown into the ArrayList however many times the user wants the to be. I just can't get the to be displayed, here's my code:

The KNW_MyList class:

   public class KNW_MyList<T extends Number>
  //Create the array list object of type T
  ArrayList<T> al = new ArrayList<T>();

   * The adds method, add a number of type T to 
   * array list.
   * @param number, the number to be added.
   * */
  public void add( T number)

   * The largest method, returns the largest value in the 
   * array list.
   * */
  public T largest()
    T large = al.get(0);

    //For-loop to find the largest value
    for(int x = 0; x < al.size(); x++)
      if(al.get(x).toString().compareTo(large.toString()) > 0)
        large = al.get(0);
    return large;

   * The smallest method, returns the smallest value in the 
   * array list.
   * */
  public T smallest()
    T small = al.get(0);

    //For-loop to find the largest value
    for(int x = 0; x < al.size(); x++)
      if(al.get(x).toString().compareTo(small.toString()) < 0)
        small = al.get(0);
    return small;

   * The show method, wil show the elements in the array 
   * list.
   * */
  public void show()


import java.util.*;
import java.lang.Math;

public class KNW_MyListDemo
  public static void main(String args[])
    //Create random class
    Random rand = new Random();

int numbers;
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

//Create ArrayList object
KNW_MyList<Number> numList = new KNW_MyList<Number>();

//Ask the user how many numbers they want in the array
System.out.println("How many numbers do you want?: ");
numbers = scan.nextInt();

if(numbers <= 0)
  System.out.println("Not Valid!");
  for(int x = 1; x >= numbers; x++)
    int num = rand.nextInt(100) + 1;

//Call the show method
System.out.println("Numbers in the array: ");;


Is there something wrong with my ArrayList or my forloop? I am not quite sure, am kinda new to array list so maybe this might or might not have any effect? I just wanna get the random numbers to display 'x' amount of times, 'x' being the number of times the user wants.

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