jeudi 26 avril 2018

how to stop / freeze / pause volatile NOW / TODAY / RAND / RANDBETWEEN?

is there a easy way (without heavy scripting) how to disable automatic re-calculations of volatile functions like =NOW() =TODAY() =RAND() =RANDBETWEEN() in google spreadsheet?

in case of building a key generator, where I need to work with multiple RANDBETWEEN outputs, a re-calculation takes a place on every cell change, and those RANDBETWEEN numbers cant stay for example a week in my sheet, which I constantly edit.

most of my google searching told me that this cant be done because those functions are volatile and this can be done only in MS Excel by setting calculations on "manual". also most of those answers suuggested copy/pasting of such volatiles, but this can be bothersome if there are too many of them...

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