jeudi 26 avril 2018

Pulling 5 different values in C# from an image list of cards

I have 5 separate image lists that all need to pull 5 values different from each other. I have been trying several different ways but haven't found one that works. The program is supposed to be a poker hand so they all need to be different cards.

This is what I have. (deleted some due to not working). What do I need to do to achieve these 5 different cards?

namespace Random_Card
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void getCardButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Random rand = new Random();

            int index = rand.Next(cardImageList.Images.Count);
            int index1 = rand.Next(cardImageList.Images.Count);
            int index2 = rand.Next(cardImageList.Images.Count);
            int index3 = rand.Next(cardImageList.Images.Count);
            int index4 = rand.Next(cardImageList.Images.Count);

            cardPictureBox.Image = cardImageList.Images[index];
            cardPictureBox1.Image = cardImageList.Images[index1];
            cardPictureBox2.Image = cardImageList.Images[index2];
            cardPictureBox3.Image = cardImageList.Images[index3];
            cardPictureBox4.Image = cardImageList.Images[index4];

            while (index == index1)
                new Random();

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