jeudi 15 août 2019

How do I get a random element without repeating entries? [duplicate]

I have a Vue JS project that displays random elements in a modal when the user clicks on a button. It currently displays random elements but I have noticed that it repeats entries as opposed to going through the elements randomly and NOT repeating them.

How would I go about making sure it doesn't repeat entries until it has randomly gone through them all?

Here is what I have so far, the getPlace() method is where the random element code is:

export default {
  name: 'home-page',
  components: {BaseLayout},
  data () {
    return {
      peopleData: {},
      modalShow: false
  methods: {
    getPlace: function () {
      let keys = Object.keys(peoplesDataJson)
      let random = Math.floor(Math.random() * keys.length)
      this.placeData = peoplesDataJson[keys[random]]

My Json data looks like:

  "1": {
    "personID": 1,
    "person": "Person 1"
  "2": {
    "personID": 2,
    "person": "Person 2"
  "3": {
    "personID": 3,
    "person": "Person 3"

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