vendredi 16 août 2019

$urandom_range does not loop

I used $urandom_range to add errors at random bit positions in data. I am sending this data to a decoder to correct the error. I used the code given by Mr. Bone here on stackoverflow. I am having trouble making it loop for every new error added. It only displays the final data and thats the one that gets sent to the decoder. I want it to iterate over a range and send all the new iterations to the decoder to work on.

module test_bench ();

parameter DATA_WIDTH = 13; 
parameter IDX_WIDTH = $clog2(DATA_WIDTH);

wire [4:0] parity_out_enc;

wire [7:0] corr_data_out;
wire [4:0] syndrome;
wire uncorr, corr;
wire flag;
wire [4:0]      vxh;
wire [4:0] parity_out;
wire [7:0] data_dec;
wire [4:0] parity_dec;
wire [IDX_WIDTH-1:0] idx_to_flip;

reg [7:0] data_enc;


    $display ("time\t parity_out_enc data_enc  idx_flip data_dec   parity_dec corr_data_out syndrome uncorr  corr vxh    flag  parity_out");  
    $monitor ("%g\t %b          %b  %d       %b   %b      %b      %b    %b        %b   %b  %b     %b", $time, parity_out_enc, data_enc, idx_to_flip, data_dec, parity_dec, corr_data_out, syndrome, uncorr, corr, vxh,                     flag, parity_out);

    data_enc = 8'b10101010;


secded_8_enc encoder (parity_out_enc, data_enc);
error_inject error_module (data_enc, parity_out_enc, data_dec, parity_dec, idx_to_flip);
secded_8_dec decoder (corr_data_out, syndrome, uncorr, corr, vxh, flag, parity_out, data_dec, parity_dec);


module error_inject (data_in, parity_in, data_out, parity_out, idx_to_flip);

parameter DATA_WIDTH = 13; 
parameter IDX_WIDTH = $clog2(DATA_WIDTH);

input [7:0] data_in;
input [4:0] parity_in;
output reg [7:0] data_out;
output reg [4:0] parity_out;
int i;

output reg [IDX_WIDTH-1:0] idx_to_flip;
reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] int_data;

for (i=0;i<10;i=i+1)
int_data = {data_in, parity_in};

idx_to_flip = $urandom_range(DATA_WIDTH-1);
$display("Flipping data bit %d", idx_to_flip);

int_data[idx_to_flip] = !int_data[idx_to_flip];
$display("bad data = %b",int_data);

 data_out = int_data[12:5];

 parity_out = int_data[4:0];


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