lundi 26 août 2019

make a drive from fully fake files using "fsutil file createnew" on windows

i want to make a fully fake drive with random file names and random file sizes and random file types(by size , for example size 10 KB - 10MB in JPG or GIF type and size 5Mb - 500Mb in ZIP or RAR type and size 1Byte - 50KB TXT type and etc) i have an idea generate random numbers for size (in byte) and generate 4 digt words for file name and select file's type's by THE size (told in up) and make them to a file in a folder of listed folders (i can give you the list of folders) and in the final build the files using this command in CMD(if you can do it by other way's no problem)

code: fsutil file createnew %file path%/%file name%.%file type% %file size%

i want to make fake files with fake size and .... as many files with total size 240GB

i want to use fake files to make money from ransomers and Deceiving them

I give a percentage of the income to someone who makes these


makeing random numbers

fsutil file createnew %file path%/%file name%.%file type% %file size%


fsutil file createnew c:/abc.mkv 1425612012

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