mardi 24 septembre 2019

Checking if theres two pairs in card hand Python

I am trying to check if there is two pairs in a hand that is random. I have it right now where it'll print one pair so it prints the number of occurrences of that card so if there are 2 twos it'll be 2 x 2 so the first number is the occurrence then the second number is the card number and then to print one pair.

How do I make it where it'll print two pairs instead so checking in a hand of 5 if there is let's say for example 2 x 2 and 2 x 5 so a pair of 2 and 5 then to print out "two pairs".

I added in numbers = cards.count(card) and for the if statement below it then numbers == 2 So that if there is one pair and one pair it prints two pairs and the probability of getting it.

def twopair():
    count = 0
    while True:
        cards = []
        for i in range(5):
        stop = False
        for card in cards:
            number = cards.count(card) # Returns how many of this card is in your hand
            numbers = cards.count(card)
            print(f"{number} x {card}")
            if(number == 2 and numbers == 2):
                print("One Pair")
                stop = True
        if stop:
            count += 1
    print(f'Count is {count}')

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