mardi 16 juin 2020

Add random users to groups from CSV file

I have a question, i'm adding users from a csv file to some groups, in this ex. it's MAX. 3 users/group.But what I want is, that I have 10 groups and then adding the random users from the csv file to the groups, then maybe i got 7 groups with 4 users and then last 3 with 3 users and thats OK.

But how do I changes this script, from just adding 3 users/group, to adding users to the "hardcoded" 10 groups, from the csv file?

ATM. I got this:

$deltager = Import-Csv C:\Users\Desktop\liste.csv

$holdstr = 3

$maxTeams = [math]::ceiling($deltager.Count/$holdstr)

$teams = @{}

$shuffled = $deltager | Get-Random -Count $deltager.Count

$shuffled | ForEach-Object { $i = 1 }{

$teams["$([Math]::Floor($i / $holdstr))"] += @($_.Navn)



$Grupper = $teams | Out-String

Write-Host $Grupper

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