lundi 1 juin 2020

Strange behaviour writing random number generator in assembly

For a project recently I've been working on translating an RNG from Numerical Recipes in C to assembly language. I have tried many different methods of compiling and disassembling the C code but all lead to the same output, 7 good random numbers followed by a string of 2,147,483,648.0:


This is interesting because its IM + 1 and 2^31 but I don't know where its coming from or why. If someone can see whats wrong with my code or even better fix it for me ;) That would be much appreciated.

This is the C code that I'm trying to translate:

// This is the C Random Number Generator
float ran0(long *idum) {

      long k;
      float ans;

      *idum ^= MASK;
      k= (*idum) / IQ;
      *idum= IA * (*idum - k * IQ) - IR * k;
      if (*idum < 0) *idum += IM;
      ans= AM * (*idum);
      *idum ^= MASK;

      return ans;

This is the assembly code (I know its a lot but its pretty modular and I think its fairly well commented):

[global _start]

section .data
      counter dd 0            ; This is the counter for our loop in _start
      seed dd 0               ; This holds the seed for ran0
      ranNum dd 0             ; This holds the return from ran0 (after its pulled off the FPU stack)

      ; Constants for ran0
      IA dd 16807
      IM dd 2147483647
      AM dq 0x3E00000000200000
      IQ dd 127773
      IR dd 2836
      MASK dd 123459876

      ; Lengths of the output strings for itoa and ftoa
      intLen equ 12                 ; This tells it to only print itoaOut
      floatLen equ 24               ; This includes both itoaOut and ftoaOut

section .bss
      ; Output strings for itoa and ftoa
      ; Both functions use itoaOut for their outputs, but ftoa stores the float part in ftoaOut
      itoaOut resb 12
      ftoaOut resb 12

section .text

      push ebp
      mov ebp, esp

      ; This gets the system time, which we use as a "random" seed
      sub esp, 0x04
        mov eax, 13
        mov ebx, esp
        int 0x80
        mov eax, [esp]
      add esp, 0x04

      ; Init ran0 (running it once seems to make it more random)
      sub esp, 0x04
        push eax
        call ran0
        pop eax
        fstp dword [esp]            ; The random number is returned on the top of the FPU stack
      add esp, 0x04

      mov [counter], dword 0
      mov [seed], eax

            ; Uses the value in seed to call ran0
            mov eax, dword [seed]
            push eax
            call ran0
            pop eax
            mov [seed], eax

            fstp dword [ranNum]     ; Puts the value returned from ran0 into ranNum

            ; Uses the random number to call ftoa which converts it to a string
            mov eax, dword [ranNum]
            push eax
            call ftoa
            pop eax

            ; Print the result
            ; To print a float, point it to itoaOut and tell it to print a longer length
            mov eax, 4
            mov ebx, 1
            mov ecx, itoaOut        ; This points to the string we want to print
            mov edx, floatLen       ; This tells it the length of the string
            int 0x80

      add [counter], dword 1
      cmp [counter], dword 20
      jl .startLoop

      mov eax, 1
      mov ebx, 0
      int 0x80

ran0:       ; ran0(int seed): returns st0
      push ebp
      mov ebp, esp
      sub esp, 0x08

      ; *idum ^= MASK
      mov eax, dword [ebp+0x08]
      xor eax, dword [MASK]
      mov [ebp+0x08], eax

      ; k= (*idum) / IQ
      mov eax, dword [ebp+0x08]
      mov ebx, dword [IQ]
      mov edx, 0
      div ebx
      mov [esp+0x04], eax

      ; *idum= IA * (*idum - k * IQ) - IR * k
      mov eax, dword [esp+0x04]
      mov ebx, dword [IQ]
      imul ebx
      mov edx, [ebp+0x08]
      sub edx, eax
      mov eax, dword [IA]
      imul edx
      mov ecx, dword [IR]
      mov edx, [esp+0x04]
      imul edx, ecx
      sub eax, edx
      mov [ebp+0x08], eax

      ; if (*idum < 0) *idum += IM
      mov eax, [ebp+0x08]
      cmp eax, 0
      jge .endIfRAN
            mov eax, [ebp+0x08]
            add eax, dword [IM]
            mov [ebp+0x08], eax

      ; ans= AM * (*idum)
      fild dword [ebp+0x08]
      fld qword [AM]
      fmulp st1, st0
      fstp dword [esp]

      ; *idum ^= MASK
      mov eax, dword [ebp+0x08]
      xor eax, dword [MASK]
      mov [ebp+0x08], eax

      fld dword [esp]

      add esp, 0x08

itoa:       ; itoa(int number): returns itoaOut
      push ebp
      mov ebp, esp

      ; Set itoaOut to 0
      mov edi, itoaOut
      mov ecx, 0
            mov [edi], byte 0
            inc edi
      inc ecx
      cmp ecx, 12
      jl .ftoaLoopCLEAR

      mov edi, itoaOut
      mov [edi+0x0b], byte 0x0a
      add edi, 0x0a

      mov eax, [ebp+0x08]           ; Puts the argument (int number) into eax
      mov ebx, 10                   ; This is what we divide eax by

      ; This loop writes digits to itoaOut backwards
            mov edx, 0
            div ebx                 ; eax= eax/ebx  edx= remainder

            or edx, 0x30            ; or the remainder with 30 to make a valid ascii char
            mov [edi], dl           ; Put the char in the output string (itoaOut)
            dec edi

      cmp edi, itoaOut              ; If edi is not at the beginning of itoaOut, write another digit
      jge .itoaLoop                 ;   otherwise quit


ftoa:       ; ftoa(flt number): returns itoaOut
      push ebp
      mov ebp, esp
      sub esp, 12

      ; Set both itoaOut and ftoaOut to 0
      mov edi, itoaOut
      mov esi, ftoaOut
      mov ecx, 0
            mov [edi], byte 0
            mov [esi], byte 0

            inc edi
            inc esi
      inc ecx
      cmp ecx, 12
      jl .ftoaLoopCLEAR

      fld dword [ebp+0x08]          ; Load 'number' into st0
      fisttp dword [esp+0x08]       ; Set [esp+0x08] to the int part of 'number'

      fld dword [ebp+0x08]          ; Load 'number' into st0
      fisub dword [esp+0x08]        ; st0= st0 - [esp+0x08]
      fstp dword [esp+0x04]         ; Set [esp+0x04] to the float part of 'number'

      ; Digits are written to itoaOut backwards because it's easy to
      ;  repetitively isolate the least significant digit of a number
      mov edi, itoaOut              ; Set the destination to itoaOut
      add edi, 0x0b                 ; Set edi to point to the end of itoaOut

      mov eax, [esp+0x08]           ; Set eax to the integer part of the float
      mov ebx, 0x0a                 ; Set ebx to 10, this will be the divisor

      mov ecx, 0                    ; ecx functions as a character counter throughout the code

            mov edx, 0x00           ; Set edx to 0, it will collect the remainder
            div ebx                 ; eax= eax/ebx, edx= remainder

            or edx, 0x30            ; Tag the remainder as an ascii number character
            mov [edi], dl           ; Put the ascii number character into the string (itoaOut)
            dec edi                 ; Set edi to point to the previous character

            inc ecx                 ; Add one to ecx to count ont more character
      cmp eax, 0x00                 ; If eax > 0, jump back to the beginning to write the next number
      jg .ftoaLoopINT

      ; Digits are written to ftoaOut forwards by
      ;  multiplying by 10 and repetitively truncating to get the next digit
      mov edi, ftoaOut              ; Set the destination to ftoaOut
      fld dword [esp+0x04]          ; Load the float part of 'number' into st0

      mov [edi], byte "."           ; Place the decimal at the first byte of ftoaOut
      inc edi                       ; Set edi to the second byte of ftoaOut

      mov [esp], dword 10           ; Set variable to 10

            fimul dword [esp]       ; st0= st0 * [esp]
            fld st0                 ; Copy st0 to st1
            fisttp dword [esp+0x08] ; Truncate and send st0 to [esp+0x08], now st0=st1
            fisub dword [esp+0x08]  ; st0= st0 - [esp+0x08]

            mov edx, [esp+0x08]     ; mov [esp+0x08] into edx
            or edx, 0x30            ; Translate the digit in edx into an ascii number character
            mov [edi], dl           ; Put the ascii number character into [edi] (ftoaOut)

            inc edi                 ; Point edi to the next character in ftoaOut
            inc ecx                 ; Add one to ecx to count ont more character
      cmp ecx, 7                    ; A 32 bit float can generally hold no more than 7 digits
      jl .ftoaLoopFLT

      mov [edi], byte 0x0a          ; append '\n' to the end

      ; In the end, itoaOut holds the int part and ftoaOut holds the float part

      add esp, 12

The code in ran0 is based off of the dissasembled gcc code. Thank you. :)

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