lundi 24 août 2020

How to create droptown list with selection part and generate the random value?

So right now,there is 4 input text place.You can write everything what you want and when you click the "pick one" button, you gonna get back any text what you entered earlier. I would like change these kind of input text places to the dropdown lists where you can select some teams and when you click "pick one" you gonna get 1 team randomly. <?php



            "1" =>"$team1",
            "2" =>"$team2",
            "3" =>"$team3",
            "4" =>"$team4",
    $random = rand(1, 4);

<form action="index.php" method="POST">
Enter the team name<input type="text" name="team1" value="<?php echo $team1 ?>"><br>
Enter the team name<input type="text" name="team2" value="<?php echo $team2 ?>"><br>
Enter the team name<input type="text" name="team3" value="<?php echo $team3 ?>"><br>
Enter the team name<input type="text" name="team4" value="<?php echo $team4 ?>"><p>

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Pick One!"><br>


print $teams["$random"];


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