mercredi 26 août 2020

JavaScript with Random Number

I must set up a payment widget on a website, I'm obviously new in this, tried following the help site from our gateway provider and was able to do as follow:

<head><meta charset="utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
var checkout = new WidgetCheckout({
   currency: 'COP',
   amountInCents: 20000000,
   reference: 'ReferenceID',
   publicKey: 'pub_test_aoqCB6UQtUGCGN9SUzT7LBwNFbQYw0aG',
   redirectUrl: '' // Opcional
<button onclick=" (function ( result ) {
var transaction = result.transaction
console.log('Transaction ID: ',
console.log('Transaction object: ', transaction)

Now the question is: is there any way I can setup a autogenerated 10 lenght random number on reference field: 'ReferenceID'? I tryed adding Math.round( + Math.random()*9) but obviously not working. See the result of what happens when I add Math.round...


Thanks for your help

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