dimanche 23 août 2020

Unix Shell - Why are the same $RANDOM numbers repeated?

I was experimenting with the $RANDOM variable in a Unix shell and noticed something peculiar. I ran the following command, which reads $RANDOM in a loop 10k times and then pipes the output to "uniq" to find the duplicates.

$ for i in {1..100000}; do echo $RANDOM; done | uniq -d

I ran the command above 7 times, and the same two numbers (4455 and 4117) were repeated all 7 times. The screenshot below shows the command line output.

$RANDOM entropy test

I also opened another terminal window and repeated the process. In the second terminal, the numbers were different, but repeated from in a similar fashion. This makes me wonder about when the entropy of the $RANDOM variable, and how it is seeded.

My guess is that it is re-seeded whenever bash is invoked, but I was wondering if anyone has any info about why the same values are repeated when I repeat the command in a single terminal window.

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