mardi 1 septembre 2020

Having a problem with rand function and pointers in functions

float polje(float a[]);
int main()
    int n;
    float a[n];
    return 0;
float polje(float a[])
    int n,i;
        if(a[i]>=n && a[i]<=0) i--;
    return *a;

I need to make a programme with a function that will give me random numbers from -2n to 2n excluding numbers from n to 0. I need to allocate the memory for 800 float characters but I dont know how to do it. The compiler only warns about one mistake but im aware that the whole code is a mess.

9 5 C:\Users\x\Documents\saff.cpp [Error] cannot convert 'float' to 'float' in assignment

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