I need to streamwrite into a file.txt a 10 random numbers combinations (NOT REPEATED) like lottery program. I got everything except Non-repeated random numbers. it has to be seen (file.txt) like a 2D array with 10 combinations thx.
class Matriz
private int[,] array;
private int nfilas, ncols;
public void Ingresar()
Random aleatori = new Random();
nfilas = 10;
ncols = 6;
array = new int[nfilas, ncols];
for (int filas = 0; filas < nfilas; filas++)
for (int columnas = 0; columnas < ncols; columnas++)
array[filas, columnas] = aleatori.Next(0, 50);
public void Imprimir()
StreamWriter fitxer = new StreamWriter(@"C:\andres\lotto649.txt");
int contador = 0;
for (int f = 0; f < nfilas; f++)
for (int c = 0; c < ncols; c++)
fitxer.Write(array[f, c] + " ");
fitxer.WriteLine($"\n\n\tHay {contador} combinaciones de la Loteria 6/49");
static void Main(string[] args)
Matriz array_menu = new Matriz();
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