vendredi 9 juillet 2021

Fast noise/PRNG from 3d input

For a noise shader I'm looking for a pseudo random number algorithm with 3d vector argument, i.e., for every integer vector it returns a value in [0,1]. It should be as fast as possible without producing visual artifacts and giving the same results on every GPU.
Two variants (pseudo code) I found are

   rand1(vec3 (x,y,z)){
       return xorshift32(x ^ xorshift32(y ^ xorshift32(z)));

which already uses 20 arithmetic operations and still has to be casted and normalized and

   rand2(vec3 v){
       return fract(sin(dot(v, vec3(12.9898, 78.233, ?))) * 43758.5453);

which might be faster but uses sin causing precision problems and different results on different GPU's.

Do you know any other algorithms requiring less arithmetic operations? Thanks in advance.

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