dimanche 11 juillet 2021

Regarding the development of random color chip placement buttons

There was a problem while developing 'Color Chip Random Placement Button', which is the main function of the website I am developing.

(1) First, the function of the color chip random placement button is to press this button to show or hide small squares placed in random locations.

There was a problem while applying the media query code for the mobile screen. For mobile design reasons, I have created another 'color chip random placement button' that can only be seen on the mobile screen. For this reason, there is a problem that small square color chips are not placed in random locations.

Only when the mobile screen ratio is present, the random color chip button is functionally normal and the curtain does not work if the desktop ratio is simultaneously. If I press the button on the desktop ratio, it is located at the top.

(2) Also, I would like to order a small square-string color chip to be randomly located only in the lower space, which code should I modify for this part?

(3) As for the coding problem, I would like to arrange the shop's submenu in the middle with the top menu, what should I do?

Before you give me your answer, I appreciate your help in advance.

And since I'm not a coding expert, I'd really appreciate it if you could give me a specific answer with a specific code.

I attach the design draft before and after pressing the color chip random placement button. I'd appreciate it if you could refer to the image and help me with coding.

enter image description here enter image description here

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            $(".music").click(function() {


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