samedi 10 juillet 2021

Set a variable to distribute according to a distribution NetLogo

I'm new to NetLogo. My question is simple. I have a variable, let's call it c , which I need to use in a condition for turtles. I want this variable c to distribute randomly following a normal distribution inside a range of values (in my case from 0 to +1 ) and I would like to be able to set the mean value and the standard deviation by means of two separate sliders in my interface. So pratically speaking: Through the sliders I decide the mean and the s.d. , netlogo computes random values according to these charateristics and then these values are used in a mathematical condition, turtles evaluate the condition and only the turtles which satisfy the condition will execute a command (in my case they will just move forward and change color). I've set the condition thanks to the people who helped my in my last question, now I need to insert this random variable c inside the condition. I was thinking to use random-normal but apparently it only reports values, I can't use them in my condition. Hope it was clear.

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