samedi 14 mai 2022

Unique Random Integers [duplicate]

I Can't figure out how I'm supposed to return the Unique values since I'm unable to add more integers to nums which I think is an integer array of sorts but im unfamiliar with it and how im meant to update or change it, Anything helps.

The current output is just a set amount of 0's set by the first number given, the second number given sets the maximum value that can be rolled randomly

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;

public class LabProgram {

    // Print the numbers in array separated by a space
    public static void printNums(int[] nums) {
        for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; ++i) {
            System.out.printf("%d ", nums[i]);

    // Used in uniqueRandomInt(), printed in main()
    public static int retries;

    // Generate howMany unique random ints from 0 to maxNum using randGen
    public static int[] uniqueRandomInts(int howMany, int maxNum) {
        int i = 0;
        int nextRand;
        retries = 0;                                  // Initialize static variable
        Random randGen = new Random(29);              // Random number generator with seed 29

        int[] nums = new int[howMany];
        HashSet<Integer> alreadySeen = new HashSet<Integer>();

        /* Enter your code here */
        nextRand = randGen.nextInt(maxNum);
            nextRand = randGen.nextInt();
        nums = nextRand;
        return nums;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;
        int howMany = scnr.nextInt();
        int maxNum = scnr.nextInt();
        int[] uniqueInts = uniqueRandomInts(howMany, maxNum);
        System.out.printf("  [%d retries]\n", retries); // Print static variable here

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