lundi 16 mai 2022

Why is random.choice not giving a random answer? [closed]

I am relatively new to Python ( 3 days old ) and I was trying out a challange as per my instructor. He instructed us to prepare a game called Snake, Water and Gun ( It's basically like rock, paper, scissors ) but when I was generating a random computer choice, I was getting water everytime. Why am I getting same choice everytime and how do I fix this ? Here is the complete code.

import random
print("*****Snake Water Gun*****")
print(f"Enter the following:\n- s for Snake\n- w for Water\n- g for Gun")
hoice = ["s", "w", "g"]
cc = "Computer chose"
c = 0
u = 0
for i in range(10):
    inp = input("Enter your choice : ").lower()
    choice = random.choice(hoice)
    if inp == "s":
        if choice == "s":
            print("Computer chose Snake. Draw ! ")
        elif choice == "w":
            u += 1
            print(f"{cc} Water. You Won ! ")
            c += 1
            print(f"{cc} Gun. Computer Won ! ")
    elif inp == "w":
        if choice == "s":
            c += 1
            print(f"{cc} Snake. Computer Won ! ")
        elif choice == "w":

            print(f"{cc} Water. Draw ! ")
            u += 1
            print(f"{cc} Gun. You Won ! ")
    elif inp == "g":
        if choice == "s":
            u += 1
            print(f"{cc} Snake. You Won ! ")
        elif choice == "w":
            c += 1
            print(f"{cc} Water. Computer Won ! ")
            print(f"{cc} Gun. Draw ! ")
        print("Please enter a valid move")
        i -= 1

print(f"{u}-{c}. You won") if u > c else print(f"{u}-{c}. Computer won")

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