samedi 15 octobre 2022

Odd behaviour of sample when subsetting Seurat objects

I am seeing a peculiar behaviour from the R Seurat package, when trying to subset objects to specific sets of cells.

So, say that I generate three sets of random cell names from a Seurat object using sample



ten_cells_id <- sample(Cells(pbmc_small), 10)
other_ten_ids <- sample(Cells(pbmc_small), 10)
and_other_ten <- sample(Cells(pbmc_small), 10)

I can now subset the object using [] and print the cell tags

Cells(pbmc_small[, ten_cells_id], pt.size=3)
Cells(pbmc_small[, other_ten_ids], pt.size=3)
Cells(pbmc_small[, and_other_ten], pt.size=3)

No surprises here; it yields three different things as expected.

> Cells(pbmc_small[, ten_cells_id], pt.size=3)
> Cells(pbmc_small[, other_ten_ids], pt.size=3)
> Cells(pbmc_small[, and_other_ten], pt.size=3)

However, if I do

cells1 <- pbmc_small[, sample(Cells(pbmc_small), 10)]
cells2 <- pbmc_small[, sample(Cells(pbmc_small), 10)]
cells3 <- pbmc_small[, sample(Cells(pbmc_small), 10)]


I get three times the same thing

> Cells(cells1)
> Cells(cells2)
> Cells(cells3)

The values are always the same, independently of the seed I use! I guess that R is somehow resetting the seed each time. This is not an issue with [] as:

a <- 1:100
a[sample(1:100, 10)]
a[sample(1:100, 10)]
a[sample(1:100, 10)]

Returns three different values.

The only thing I can think of is that something strange is happening because Seurat overloads []. Any ideas?

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