mercredi 29 avril 2015

How to Position an Object Separately from Randomized Objects in Unity3D?

In my 2D game I have randomized objects which are spawned as 4 to 5 clones each time I run the game. My problem is that I also have a different object that I want to spawn as 1 clone, and position it to appear after the last clone of the randomized objects I have in my game.

The objects randomization works perfectly in my game, I just need to separate that from the object that I want it to be spawned indecently and after the last clone of the randomized objects.

This is the code I am using with 1 line of attempt to spawn the independent object: (The code was taken from this tutorial)

 using UnityEngine;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;           //Allows us to use Lists.
    using Random = UnityEngine.Random;          //Tells Random to use the Unity Engine random number generator.
    namespace Completed
        public class BoardManager : MonoBehaviour
                // Using Serializable allows us to embed a class with sub properties in the inspector.
                public class Count
                        public int minimum;                     //Minimum value for our Count class.
                        public int maximum;                     //Maximum value for our Count class.
                        //Assignment constructor.
                        public Count (int min, int max)
                                minimum = min;
                                maximum = max;
                public int columns = 7;                                                                                 //Number of columns in our game board.
                public Count random1Count = new Count (1, 2);                                           //Lower and upper limit for our random number of objects
                public Count random2Count = new Count (1, 1);
                public Count random3Count = new Count (1, 1);
                public Count random4Count = new Count (1, 1);
                public GameObject[] randomObject1;                                                                      //Array of objects prefabs.
                public GameObject[] randomObject2;
                public GameObject[] randomObject3;
                public GameObject[] randomObject4;
                public GameObject obj; // the independent object declaration
                private List <Vector3> gridPositions = new List <Vector3> ();       //A list of possible locations to place objects.
                //Clears our list gridPositions and prepares it to generate a new board.
                void InitialiseList ()
                        //Clear our list gridPositions.
                        gridPositions.Clear ();
                        //Loop through x axis (columns).
                        for(int x = 2; x < columns; x++)
                                //At each index add a new Vector3 to our list with the x and y coordinates of that position.
                                gridPositions.Add (new Vector3(x, 0.3f, 0f));
                                Instantiate(obj); // my attempt to instantiate the separate object
                                Debug.Log(obj.transform.position.x); // my attempt to track the position of the separate object
                //RandomPosition returns a random position from our list gridPositions.
                Vector3 RandomPosition ()
                        //Declare an integer randomIndex, set it's value to a random number between 0 and the count of items in our List gridPositions.
                        int randomIndex = Random.Range (0, gridPositions.Count);
                        //Declare a variable of type Vector3 called randomPosition, set it's value to the entry at randomIndex from our List gridPositions.
                        Vector3 randomPosition = gridPositions[randomIndex];
                        //Remove the entry at randomIndex from the list so that it can't be re-used.
                        gridPositions.RemoveAt (randomIndex);
                        //Return the randomly selected Vector3 position.
                        return randomPosition;
                //LayoutObjectAtRandom accepts an array of game objects to choose from along with a minimum and maximum range for the number of objects to create.
                void LayoutObjectAtRandom (GameObject[] tileArray, int minimum, int maximum)
                        //Choose a random number of objects to instantiate within the minimum and maximum limits
                        int objectCount = Random.Range (minimum, maximum+1);
                        //Instantiate objects until the randomly chosen limit objectCount is reached
                        for(int i = 0; i < objectCount; i++)
                                //Choose a position for randomPosition by getting a random position from our list of available Vector3s stored in gridPosition
                                Vector3 randomPosition = RandomPosition();
                                //Choose a random tile from tileArray and assign it to tileChoice
                                GameObject tileChoice = tileArray[Random.Range (0, tileArray.Length)];
                                //Instantiate tileChoice at the position returned by RandomPosition with no change in rotation
                                Instantiate(tileChoice, randomPosition, Quaternion.identity);
                //SetupScene initializes our level and calls the previous functions to lay out the game board
                public void SetupScene (int level)
                        //Reset our list of gridpositions.
                        InitialiseList ();
                        //Instantiate a random number of objects based on minimum and maximum, at randomized positions.
                        LayoutObjectAtRandom (randomObject1, random1Count.minimum, random1Count.maximum);
                        LayoutObjectAtRandom (randomObject2, random2Count.minimum, random2Count.maximum);
                        LayoutObjectAtRandom (randomObject3, random3Count.minimum, random3Count.maximum);
                        LayoutObjectAtRandom (randomObject4, random4Count.minimum, random4Count.maximum);

This is the code I am using with 1 line of attempt to spawn the independent object: (The code was taken from this tutorial)

 using UnityEngine;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;           //Allows us to use Lists.
    using Random = UnityEngine.Random;          //Tells Random to use the Unity Engine random number generator.
    namespace Completed
        public class BoardManager : MonoBehaviour
                // Using Serializable allows us to embed a class with sub properties in the inspector.
                public class Count
                        public int minimum;                     //Minimum value for our Count class.
                        public int maximum;                     //Maximum value for our Count class.
                        //Assignment constructor.
                        public Count (int min, int max)
                                minimum = min;
                                maximum = max;
                public int columns = 7;                                                                                 //Number of columns in our game board.
                public Count random1Count = new Count (1, 2);                                           //Lower and upper limit for our random number of objects
                public Count random2Count = new Count (1, 1);
                public Count random3Count = new Count (1, 1);
                public Count random4Count = new Count (1, 1);
                public GameObject[] randomObject1;                                                                      //Array of objects prefabs.
                public GameObject[] randomObject2;
                public GameObject[] randomObject3;
                public GameObject[] randomObject4;
                public GameObject obj; // the independent object declaration
                private List <Vector3> gridPositions = new List <Vector3> ();       //A list of possible locations to place objects.
                //Clears our list gridPositions and prepares it to generate a new board.
                void InitialiseList ()
                        //Clear our list gridPositions.
                        gridPositions.Clear ();
                        //Loop through x axis (columns).
                        for(int x = 2; x < columns; x++)
                                //At each index add a new Vector3 to our list with the x and y coordinates of that position.
                                gridPositions.Add (new Vector3(x, 0.3f, 0f));
                                Instantiate(obj); // my attempt to instantiate the separate object
                                Debug.Log(obj.transform.position.x); // my attempt to track the position of the separate object
                //RandomPosition returns a random position from our list gridPositions.
                Vector3 RandomPosition ()
                        //Declare an integer randomIndex, set it's value to a random number between 0 and the count of items in our List gridPositions.
                        int randomIndex = Random.Range (0, gridPositions.Count);
                        //Declare a variable of type Vector3 called randomPosition, set it's value to the entry at randomIndex from our List gridPositions.
                        Vector3 randomPosition = gridPositions[randomIndex];
                        //Remove the entry at randomIndex from the list so that it can't be re-used.
                        gridPositions.RemoveAt (randomIndex);
                        //Return the randomly selected Vector3 position.
                        return randomPosition;
                //LayoutObjectAtRandom accepts an array of game objects to choose from along with a minimum and maximum range for the number of objects to create.
                void LayoutObjectAtRandom (GameObject[] tileArray, int minimum, int maximum)
                        //Choose a random number of objects to instantiate within the minimum and maximum limits
                        int objectCount = Random.Range (minimum, maximum+1);
                        //Instantiate objects until the randomly chosen limit objectCount is reached
                        for(int i = 0; i < objectCount; i++)
                                //Choose a position for randomPosition by getting a random position from our list of available Vector3s stored in gridPosition
                                Vector3 randomPosition = RandomPosition();
                                //Choose a random tile from tileArray and assign it to tileChoice
                                GameObject tileChoice = tileArray[Random.Range (0, tileArray.Length)];
                                //Instantiate tileChoice at the position returned by RandomPosition with no change in rotation
                                Instantiate(tileChoice, randomPosition, Quaternion.identity);
                //SetupScene initializes our level and calls the previous functions to lay out the game board
                public void SetupScene (int level)
                        //Reset our list of gridpositions.
                        InitialiseList ();
                        //Instantiate a random number of objects based on minimum and maximum, at randomized positions.
                        LayoutObjectAtRandom (randomObject1, random1Count.minimum, random1Count.maximum);
                        LayoutObjectAtRandom (randomObject2, random2Count.minimum, random2Count.maximum);
                        LayoutObjectAtRandom (randomObject3, random3Count.minimum, random3Count.maximum);
                        LayoutObjectAtRandom (randomObject4, random4Count.minimum, random4Count.maximum);

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