mardi 28 avril 2015

Randomly generating equation and answer

I am trying to randomly generate an equation that also has a 50% chance of being wrong and displaying that incorrect answer. The incorrect answer should have an error of either -2, -1, +1, or +2.

Sometimes my code prints division equations like this(I can't post images): 2 / 10 = 13 1 / 5 = 43 etc.

I can't figure out why the equation is displaying a mix of numbers that are not checked together?

(It starts with a call to generateNumbers() in my onCreateView method

public void generateNumbers() {
    //randomly generate 2 numbers and an operator
    number1 = (int) (Math.random() * 10) + 1;
    number2 = (int) (Math.random() * 10) + 1;
    operator = (int) (Math.random() * 4) + 1;
    //50% chance whether the displayed answer will be right or wrong
    rightOrWrong = (int) (Math.random() * 2) + 1;
    //calculate the offset of displayed answer for a wrong equation (Error)
    error = (int) (Math.random() * 4) + 1;

public void generateEquation() {
    StringBuilder equation = new StringBuilder();
    //append the first number
    //generate/append the operator and calculate the real answer
    if (operator == 1) {
        equation.append(" + ");
        actualAnswer = number1 + number2;
    } else if (operator == 2) {
        equation.append(" - ");
        actualAnswer = number1 - number2;
    } else if (operator == 3) {
        equation.append(" x ");
        actualAnswer = number1 * number2;
    } else if (operator == 4) {
        if ((number1%number2==0) && (number1>number2)) {
            actualAnswer = number1 / number2;
        } else {
        equation.append(" / ");

    //append the second number and the equals sign
    equation.append(number2 + " = ");

    //we will display the correct answer for the equation
    if (rightOrWrong == 1) {
        displayedAnswer = actualAnswer;
    //we will display an incorrect answer for the equation
    //need to calculate error (-2, -1, +1, +2)
    else {
        if (error == 1) {
            displayedAnswer = actualAnswer - 1;
        } else if (error == 2) {
            displayedAnswer = actualAnswer - 2;
        }else if (error == 3) {
            displayedAnswer = actualAnswer + 1;
        }else {
            displayedAnswer = actualAnswer + 2;
        //append the displayed answer with error

    questionNumber.setText("You have answered " + count + " out of 20 questions");

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