My current hobby project provides Monte-Carlo-Simulations for card games with French decks (52 cards, from 2 to Ace).
To simulate as fast as possible, I use to represent multiple cards as bitmasks in some spots. Here is some (simplified) code:
public struct Card
public enum CardColor : byte { Diamonds = 0, Hearts = 1, Spades = 2, Clubs = 3 }
public enum CardValue : byte { Two = 0, Three = 1, Four = 2, Five = 3, Six = 4, Seven = 5, Eight = 6, Nine = 7, Ten = 8, Jack = 9, Queen = 10, King = 11, Ace = 12 }
public CardColor Color { get; private set; }
public CardValue Value { get; private set; }
// ID provides a unique value for each card, ranging from 0 to 51, from 2Diamonds to AceClubs
public byte ID { get { return (byte)(((byte)this.Value * 4) + (byte)this.Color); } }
// --- Constructors ---
public Card(CardColor color, CardValue value)
this.Color = color;
this.Value = value;
public Card(byte id)
this.Color = (CardColor)(id % 4);
this.Value = (CardValue)((id - (byte)this.Color) / 4);
The structure which holds multiple cards as bitmask:
public struct CardPool
private const ulong FULL_POOL = 4503599627370495;
internal ulong Pool { get; private set; } // Holds all cards as set bit at Card.ID position
public int Count()
ulong i = this.Pool;
i = i - ((i >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555);
i = (i & 0x3333333333333333) + ((i >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333);
return (int)((((i + (i >> 4)) & 0xF0F0F0F0F0F0F0F) * 0x101010101010101) >> 56);
public void Add(Card card)
public void Add(byte cardID)
this.Pool = this.Pool | ((ulong)1 << cardID);
public void Remove(Card card)
public void Remove(byte cardID)
this.Pool = this.Pool & ~((ulong)1 << cardID);
public bool Contains(Card card)
ulong mask = ((ulong)1 << card.ID);
return (this.Pool & mask) == mask;
// --- Constructor ---
public CardPool(bool filled)
if (filled)
this.Pool = FULL_POOL;
this.Pool = 0;
I want to draw one or more cards at random from the second struct CardPool, but I cannot imagine how to do that without iterating single bits in the pool. Is there any known algorithm to perfom this? If not, do you have any idea of doing this fast?
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