I want to create many rectangles. This should be done automatically. How can i do this without typing thousands of values in my code? Is there an solution?
- In my code i wrote every single coordinate point (4 points of each rectangle) manually in my vector "V".
- Also how to connect them. "F"
- And the value of each rectangle. "C"
Thank you for your input/help. I really appreciate it.
clear all
V = [0,0;1,0;1,1;0,1;5,5;10,5;10,10;5,10;2,2;4,2;4,4;2,4];
F = [1,2,3,4;5,6,7,8;9,10,11,12];%Dieser Vektor sagt mir in welcher Reihenfolge die Punkte
C = [50;24;99];
patch('Faces',F,'Vertices',V,'FaceVertexCData',C,'FaceColor','flat','EdgeColor','none') %Befehl fürs "zeichnen"
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