jeudi 2 février 2017

Selecting Random items from Dictionary of Lists in Python

I am trying to randomly select a specific number of sequences from a dictionary of lists and then append these sequences to a new list, but I keep receiving an empty list. My code:

final_List = []
num = [["ENST", "10", "5"], ["ENGT", "8", "2"], ["ENHT", "5", "1"]]
a = {"ENST" : ['acac', 'tgtgtgt', 'hahah'], "ENHT": ['aaaa', 'tttt', 'gig', 
'cccc'], 'ENGT' : ['ddd', 'eeee', 'ffff', 'hhhh', 'pppp']}

for line in num:
    for k, v in a.items():
        if line[0] == k:
            for i in int(line[1] -1):
                final_List.append([k, random.choice(0, len(v))])

I am comparing line[0] with k, and if they are the same, I want to pull random sequences from v. The number of sequences I want is the number at line[1]. The final_List would look like:

final_List = [["ENST", "acac"], ["ENST", tgtgtgt"]...10 lists with header "ENST"
              ["ENGT", "ddd"], .....8 lists with header "ENGT"
              ["ENHT","aaaa"], ..... 5 lists with header "ENHT"

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