lundi 16 avril 2018

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'choice'

I am getting errors when attempting to use the random module. Specifically, I am trying to use choice() with a list of rooms (a class I've defined) but python isn't wanting to do it. I have had issues importing random in the past as well and it never wants to let me just put in 'import random', but last time it let me do the whole 'from random import...'. I don't have any files named random and I've tried several different things to try to fix it but none have worked and I am very confused. plz help.

The error I am getting is

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/mbwright/Desktop/", line 82, in <module>
    class Wanderer(Movable):
  File "/Users/mbwright/Desktop/", line 87, in Wanderer
    rand_room = List_of_rooms.choice()
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'choice'

Here is the code im working with, the error im getting is from specifically:

rand_room = List_of_rooms.choice()

This is near the end in the Wanderer class.

from random import choice

class Room:
    """Information about the location.

    Attributes: room_name (str), room_number (int)

    ***Non-Public attributes: rooms_connected (set of rooms)"""
    def __init__(self, room_name, room_number):
        self.room_name = room_name
        self.room_number = room_number
        self.__rooms_connected = []

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Room("' + self.room_name + '", ' + str(self.room_number) + ")"

    def connect_to(self, others):
        if isinstance(others, list):
            for room in others:
                if room not in self.__rooms_connected:
            if self not in others.__rooms_connected:

    def get_connections(self):
        return self.__rooms_connected

    def is_connected_to(self, other):
        if other in self.__rooms_connected:
            return True
            return False

    def description(self):
        return "You are in room " + str(self.room_number) + ", " + self.room_name

Crawl = Room("Crawl Space", 1)
Scarlet = Room("The Scarlet Room", 2)
Cellar = Room("The Cellar", 3)
Guards = Room("The Guard Room",4)
Armory = Room("The Armory", 5)
Passage = Room("The Dimly Lit Passage",6)

Passage.connect_to([Armory, Crawl, Scarlet])
Cellar.connect_to([Armory, Crawl, Scarlet])
Guards.connect_to([Armory, Crawl, Scarlet])

List_of_rooms = [Crawl, Scarlet, Cellar, Guards, Armory, Passage]

class Command:
    """Stores the actions and rooms

    Attributes: action (str: "move" or "shoot"), destination (Room)"""
    def __init__(self, action, destination):
        self.action = action
        self.destination = destination
    def __repr__(self):
        return "Command(" + self.action + ", " + str(destination) + ")"

class Movable:
    """Represents objects and characters that have changable locations.

    Non-Public: __location"""
    def move_to(self, new_location):
        self.__location = new_location
    def __init__(self, location):
    def __repr__(self):
        return "Movable(" + str(self.__location) + ")"
    def update(self):
class Wanderer(Movable):
    """Things that will move randomly on their own

    Attributes: self.awake (bool)"""

    rand_room = List_of_rooms.choice()

    def __init__(self, location = rand_room, awake = True):
        self.awake = awake

    def update(self):
        if self.awake == True:
            potentials = self.get_connections()
            pick = potentials.choice()
            self.awake = False

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