mardi 13 août 2019

How to create an array of pseudo-random numbers that are spread out over an interval?

I would like to create an array of n (steps) integers within an interval [a (min), b (max)] which can be done like this (there are probably smarter ways):

function randomFromInterval(min, max, steps) {
  return new Array(steps).fill(0).map(n => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min));

console.log(randomFromInterval(1, 100, 10))

Unfortunately, with truly random (yeah I know) integers, it could happen that the result of randomFromInterval(1, 100, 5) is for example [1,2,3,4,5] which I would like to mitigate. The values of randomFromIntervalButSpread(min, max, steps) should therefore be spread out over the interval in such a way that

randomFromIntervalButSpread(0, 4, 5) => [0,1,2,3,4]
randomFromIntervalButSpread(10, 60, 5) => [1X,2X,3X,4X,5X] // X being 0-9

To summarize: The numbers should be random in the sense that if steps > |[min, max]| the results differ from iteration to iteration but are never grouped together within the interval.

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