I am trying to implement the following c code for a Tausworthe random number generator in python. The code needs to generate random numbers within the range of 0 to 1. The c code is as follows:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/**** VERY IMPORTANT **** :
The initial seeds z1, z2, z3, z4 MUST be larger than
1, 7, 15, and 127 respectively.
#define SEED 987654321
static uint32_t z1 = SEED, z2 = SEED, z3 = SEED, z4 = SEED;
double lfsr113 (void)
uint32_t b;
b = ((z1 << 6) ^ z1) >> 13;
z1 = ((z1 & 4294967294U) << 18) ^ b;
b = ((z2 << 2) ^ z2) >> 27;
z2 = ((z2 & 4294967288U) << 2) ^ b;
b = ((z3 << 13) ^ z3) >> 21;
z3 = ((z3 & 4294967280U) << 7) ^ b;
b = ((z4 << 3) ^ z4) >> 12;
z4 = ((z4 & 4294967168U) << 13) ^ b;
return (z1 ^ z2 ^ z3 ^ z4) * 2.3283064365386963e-10;
So far I have implemented this in python as:
#Tausworthe implementation
#define seeds
s0 = 987654321
s1 = 987654321
s2 = 987654321
s3 = 987654321
def Taus():
global s0
global s1
global s2
global s3
global b
b = (((s0 << 6 )^s0) >>13)
s0 = (((s0 & 4294967294)<<18) ^ b)
b = (((s1 << 2) ^ s1) >>27)
s1 = (((s1 & 4294967288) << 2) ^ b)
b = (((s2 << 13) ^ s2) >> 21)
s2 = (((s2 & 4294967280) << 7) ^b)
b = ((s3 << 3) ^ s3) >> 12;
s3 = ((s3 & 4294967168) << 13) ^ b;
return((s0 ^ s1 ^ s2^s3)* 2.3283064365386963e-10)
When I run the C code I get the first three values generated as 0.920278, 0.277765 and 0.564335. When I run my python implementation I get the first three values as 60479.92110524047, 168598.21778273885, 1344.2269172724336.
I'm at a bit of a loss as to what I am doing wrong. The C implementation comes from the author of a paper on this specific Tausworthe generator and is therefore the correct one and when I run it produces the results I expect. I need to try and replicate these results in Python but I suspect the fact that C is strongly typed and that Python is not is maybe causing problems for me.
Any help or suggestions as to why my results are so off would be greatly appreciated.
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