jeudi 18 juin 2020

How to create a random distribution with no specific definition? Is uniform_int_distribution inheriting from other class?

I want to create a piece of code that use a type called Number that may be a floating point number or any integer number (such uint64_t). I have the variable dist that is the distribution that should be used to generate random numbers, but it should be different in any of those cases, so i would like to do something like:

constexpr bool number_is_floating = std::is_floating_point<Number>::value;
#if number_is_floating
std::uniform_real_distribution<Number> dist(1.0, 1000.0);
std::uniform_int_distribution<Number> dist(1, 1000);

But of course this is not going to work, because preprocessor variables get evaluated before the constant number_is_floating does, so this expression will always be false. I actually tried to do this:

Number getran() {
    if constexpr (number_is_floating)
        return std::uniform_real_distribution<Number>(1.0, 1000.0)(eng);
        return std::uniform_int_distribution<Number>(1, 1000)(eng);

But this is not working because we are trying to compile code that inits uniform_int_distribution with a type that may or may not be integer (and the same for the real distribution).

What is the best and most-elegant way to make this code works even if Number is or not floating point?

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