jeudi 18 juin 2020

Is there any other way to use random?

I am new to python and I was working on program to simulate a game of snake and ladders. I used the random function to roll the dice for both players but the problem was that it came the same. If the player 1 gets a 5 then the player 2 also got a 5. Thus player 1 always won..

I'm not sure of what i missed here.

    if turn % 2 == 0:
        print(p1n + "'s turn")
        input('press Enter to roll the dice')
        v = random.randint(1, 6)
        print('you got a', v)
        p1pos += v
        temp1 = check_snake(p1pos)
        temp2 = check_ladder(p1pos).....

     elif turn % 2 == 1:
        print(p2n + "'s turn")
        r = input('press Enter to roll the dice')
        v = random.randint(1,6)
        print('you got a', v)
        p2pos += v
        temp1 = check_snake(p2pos)
        temp2 = check_ladder(p2pos)......

I even tried using different random functions. Instead of 'randint' I used 'randrange'.

    elif turn % 2 == 1:
        print(p2n + "'s turn")
        r = input('press Enter to roll the dice')
        v = random.randrange(7)
        print('you got a', v)
        p2pos += v
        temp1 = check_snake(p2pos)
        temp2 = check_ladder(p2pos)

Even this gave the same problem. I started programming with python quite recently, thus i'm not exactly sure of how the random function works.

This is the whole code:

def play():
    end = 100
    start = 1
    p1n = input('player 1 enter your name')
    p2n = input('player 2 enter your name')
    p1pos = start
    p2pos = start
    turn = 0
    while 1:
        if turn % 2 == 0:
             print(p1n + "'s turn")
             input('press Enter to roll the dice')
             v = random.randint(1, 6)
             print('you got a', v)
             p1pos += v
             temp1 = check_snake(p1pos)
             temp2 = check_ladder(p1pos)
             if p1pos != temp1:
                 print('There was a snake at',p1pos,'. Now you are going to', temp1)
                 p1pos = temp1
             elif p1pos != temp2:
                   print('There was a ladder at', p1pos , '. Now you are going to', temp1)
                   p1pos == temp2
                 p1pos = p1pos
             if p1pos >= end:
                 p1pos = end
             if check_win(p1pos):
                 print(p1n, "has won")
                 print(p1n + ", now your position is", p1pos)
                 print(p2n + ", now your position is", p2pos)
                 turn += 1
        elif turn % 2 == 1:
             print(p2n + "'s turn")
             r = input('press Enter to roll the dice')
             v = random.randrange(7)
             print('you got a', v)
             p2pos += v
             temp1 = check_snake(p2pos)
             temp2 = check_ladder(p2pos)
             if p2pos != temp1:
                 print('There was a snake at', p2pos , '. Now you are going to ',temp1)
                 p2pos = temp1
             elif p2pos != temp2:
                 print('There was a snake at', p2pos , '. Now you are going to ',temp2)
                 p2pos == temp2
                 p2pos = p2pos
             if p2pos >= 100:
                 p2pos = 100
             if check_win(p2pos):
                 print(p2n, "has won")
                 print(p2n + ", now your position is", p1pos)
                 print(p1n + ", now your position is", p1pos)
                 turn += 1

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