dimanche 16 août 2020

Anylogic: Use individual RandomNumberGenerator for each ressource

We ware working on a simulation of a production chain of six machines connected in a series. For all of them, we need failure times etc. which are distributed differently.

I am looking for a way to implement an individual RNG for each of the resources used. We need six different RNGs. Unfortunately, we struggle to understand how to implement and use this. Anylogix docu does not really help/explain (https://help.anylogic.com/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.anylogic.help%2Fhtml%2Fstochastic%2FCustom_RNG.html). It says something about using the Java Random Class.

The example says: triangular( 5, 10, 25, myRNG ) - how to implement myRNG and is it an object or a number?

Thank you a lot, we are Anylogic newbies so please don´t be annoyed :-)

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