jeudi 20 août 2020

How to generate 2 random numbers assign to a random alphabet in python?

I am creating a guessing game program which uses alphabets in place of digits to make a puzzle out of the addition of two single-digit numbers and the answer. The player have to input a number and each digit 0 to 9 are represented by corresponding letters by position. player solves the puzzle by guessing which digits fit into the puzzle. The letters used is a-j. SO the numbers used would be 0-9. NOTE: i am only allowed to use one list, that is for the letters. My issues now are:

  • How do i generate two random numbers? (So far i've manage to generate only 1 number assign to the letter)
  • After generating these numbers and letters how exactly do i tell the program to pair the letter and number so that i am able to do an addition to the letter?
  • How do i create a cheat sheet that only i am able to see with the randomly generated numbers and letters so that i know the answer to my guessing game?

here is my code

from random import shuffle
def getLetterMap():
    stringList = list("abcdefghij")
    return "".join(stringList)

import random

def getNum():
    for i in getLetterMap():
        num = random.randrange(10)
        return num, i

the output should look like the photo attached. enter image description here

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