dimanche 21 août 2022

How to get 10000 random numbers from chainlink VRF V2?

I want to generate 10000 random numbers by using chainlink VRF V2,but the max NUM_WORDS is 500 in one request,and it fails every time! What should I do? My account has enough LINK,but what I have done below does't work!

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.8;

import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/VRFConsumerBaseV2.sol";
import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/interfaces/VRFCoordinatorV2Interface.sol";

contract VRFCoordinatorTest is  VRFConsumerBaseV2 {
    // Chainlink VRF Variables

    address vrfCoordinatorV2 = 0x6168499c0cFfCaCD319c818142124B7A15E857ab;
    uint64 subscriptionId = 14422;
    bytes32 gasLane = 0xd89b2bf150e3b9e13446986e571fb9cab24b13cea0a43ea20a6049a85cc807cc;
    uint32 public callbackGasLimit = 2500000; //already max gaslimit

    //network coordinator
    VRFCoordinatorV2Interface private immutable _vrfCoordinator;

    // The default is 3, but you can set this higher.
    uint16 public  REQUEST_CONFIRMATIONS = 10;

    // retrieve NUM_WORDS random values in one request.
    uint32 public NUM_WORDS = 500;

    //keep the randomWords from fulfillRandomWords() function.
   uint256[][] public _randomWords = new uint256[][](0);
   //uint256[] public _randomWords;

    event RequestedRandomWords(uint256 requestId ,address requester);

    constructor() VRFConsumerBaseV2(vrfCoordinatorV2) {
        _vrfCoordinator = VRFCoordinatorV2Interface(vrfCoordinatorV2);

    function fulfillRandomWords(uint256, uint256[] memory randomWords) internal override{
       // _randomWords = randomWords;

    function requestRandomWords()public{
        uint256 requestId = _vrfCoordinator.requestRandomWords(
        emit RequestedRandomWords(requestId, msg.sender);

    function set_REQUEST_CONFIRMATIONS(uint16 comf)public{
    function set_NUM_WORDS(uint32 num)public{
        NUM_WORDS = num;
    function set_gasLimit(uint32 gasl) public{
        callbackGasLimit = gasl;

    function getMaxLengthAndNum()public view returns(uint256,uint256){
        uint256 lth = _randomWords.length;
        uint256[] memory tmpArray = _randomWords[lth-1];
        uint256 lastNum = tmpArray[tmpArray.length-1];
        //uint256 maxNum = _randomWords[_randomWords.length-1];

        return (lth,lastNum);

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