I am currently creating a hangman game for a project. I have managed to code where a user can enter individual letters to guess the secret word. However, I am having trouble adding an additional feature where the user can guess the entire word upfront.
below is my code attempt, may I know what to write to have this new feature in my game?
def game_play():
word = random.choice(WORDS)
# Dashes for each letter in each word
current_guess = "-" * len(word)
# Wrong Guess Counter
wrong_guesses = 0
# Used letters Tracker
used_letters = []
while wrong_guesses < MAX_WRONG and current_guess != word:
print (HANGMAN[wrong_guesses])
print ("You have used the following letters: ", used_letters)
print ("So far, the word is: ", current_guess)
guess = input ("Enter your letter guess:")
guess = guess.upper()
# Check if letter was already used
while guess in used_letters:
print ("You have already guessed that letter", guess)
guess = input ("Enter your letter guess: ")
guess = guess.upper()
# Add new guess letter to list
# Check guess
if guess in word:
print ("You have guessed correctly!")
# Update hidden word with mixed letters and dashes
new_current_guess = ""
for letter in range(len(word)):
if guess == word[letter]:
new_current_guess += guess
new_current_guess += current_guess[letter]
current_guess = new_current_guess
print ("Sorry that was incorrect")
# Increase the number of incorrect by 1
wrong_guesses += 1
# End the game
if wrong_guesses == MAX_WRONG:
print (HANGMAN[wrong_guesses])
print ("You have been hanged!")
print ("The correct word is", word)
print ("You have won!!")
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