mercredi 17 août 2022

Random sampling in R without direct repetition and exact quantity of each number

How can I randomly sample the color order of 368 images using 4 colors that

  • should not be repeated directly ("red" "red" "blue" would not be ok, but "red" "blue" "red" would be)
  • should each appear with an equal quantity (each 92 times because 368/4 = 92)?

Based on this, I have already managed the sampling without direct repetition:

values <- c("blue", "red", "green", "yellow")
len <- 368 # number of samples
samp <- sample(values, 1) # initialise variable
cols <- sapply(2:len, function(i) samp[i] <<- sample(setdiff(values, samp[i-1]), 1, replace = TRUE))
table(cols) # colors appear 94, 92, 88, 93 times

I tried building a for-loop that samples until the exact numbers are reached with if(table(cols)[1:4] == 92), but it didn't work and after doing a lot of research, I still don't know how to proceed. I would be really thankful for tips and help!

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