jeudi 23 avril 2015

Random Monster Generator in simple Text Based RPG

I'm trying to create a little text based rpg to put in practice what i learned of javascript. I tried two approaches, one is working and the other one isn't it, and I want to know why.

In the first one, I created an object "monster" with a method that sets all the properties of each monster (hit points, attack points, etc). The problem with this it's i have to write the properties one by one, and it makes the code too long for my taste.

/* Write JavaScript here *//* Write JavaScript here */

var hero = {
        hitPoints: 13,
        armorClass: 10,
        attackBonus: 1,
        weaponDamage: 7,
    heroStats: function(){
    return  "Hero" + "<br/>" +                            
                "Hit Points: " + this.hitPoints + "<br/>" +
            "Armor Class: " + this.armorClass + "<br/>" +
            "Attack Bonus: " + this.attackBonus + "<br/>" +
            "Weapon Damage: " + this.weaponDamage;
        alive: true

var monster = {
        name: "",
        hitPoints: 0,
        armorClass: 0,
        attackBonus: 0,
        weaponDamage: 0,
        monsterStats: function(){
    return + "<br/>" +
                "Hit Points: " + this.hitPoints + "<br/>" +
            "Armor Class: " + this.armorClass + "<br/>" +
            "Attack Bonus: " + this.attackBonus + "<br/>" +
            "Weapon Damage: " + this.weaponDamage;
        monsterSelected: false,
        selectMonster: function() {
                                                        if (this.monsterSelected === false){    
                                                                case 1: = "Werewolf"; 
                                                                                this.hitPoints = 20;
                                        this.armorClass = 8;
                                        this.attackBonus = 4;
                                        this.weaponDamage = 3;
                                        this.monsterSelected = true;
                                                                case 2: = "Goblin"; 
                                                                                this.hitPoints = 15;
                                        this.armorClass= 10;
                                        this.attackBonus = 4;
                                        this.weaponDamage = 3;
                                        this.monsterSelected = true;
          alive: true


function battle (actualmonster){
    if (actualmonster.alive===false){
        actualmonster.monsterSelected = false;
        actualmonster.alive = true;
        var d20 = Math.floor(Math.random()*20)+1;
        var d_wp = Math.floor(Math.random()*hero.weaponDamage)+1;
        if (d20+hero.attackBonus>actualmonster.armorClass){
          $(".battle_info").html("You attack!: d20+" + hero.attackBonus+": " + (d20+hero.attackBonus)+ " vs AC " + actualmonster.armorClass + "<br/>" + "You hit!: d" + hero.weaponDamage + ": " + d_wp);
            actualmonster.hitPoints = actualmonster.hitPoints - d_wp;
        else {$(".battle_info").html("You miss!: d20+" + hero.attackBonus+": " + (d20+hero.attackBonus)+ " vs AC " + actualmonster.armorClass);
        if (actualmonster.hitPoints <= 0){
            actualmonster.hitPoints = 0;  
            $(".battle_info").html("You killed the monster!");
            actualmonster.alive = false;
                var d20_m = Math.floor(Math.random()*20)+1;
                var d_wp_m = Math.floor(Math.random()*monster.weaponDamage)+1;
        if (d20_m+actualmonster.attackBonus>hero.armorClass){
          $(".battle_info").append("<br/>Monster attacks you!: d20+" + actualmonster.attackBonus+": " + (d20_m+actualmonster.attackBonus)+ " vs AC " + hero.armorClass + "<br/>" + "Monster hits you!: d" + actualmonster.weaponDamage + ": " + d_wp_m);
            hero.hitPoints = hero.hitPoints - d_wp_m;
        else {$(".battle_info").append("<br/>Monster miss!: d20+" + hero.attackBonus+": " + (d20_m + monster.attackBonus)+ " vs AC " + hero.armorClass);
<script src=""></script>
<p class="monster_info"></p>
                <p class="battle_info"></p>
                <p class="hero_info"></p>
                <button type="button">Attack</button>

In the second one, instead of creating and object "monster", i make a constructor, so i could define the monsters in a shorter and simplier way (for example: var phantom = new monster (prop1, prop2, prop3...)). The issue comes when i tried select a random monster for each battle. I tried a lot of things, but the problem remains the same: if a create a random function to select the monsters, this works every time a click the attack button, making a mess. This is driven me crazy, and i have no idea what to do. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

/* Write JavaScript here */

var hero = {
        hitPoints: 13,
        armorClass: 10,
        attackBonus: 1,
        weaponDamage: 7,
    heroStats: function(){
    return  "Hero" + "<br/>" +                            
                "Hit Points: " + this.hitPoints + "<br/>" +
            "Armor Class: " + this.armorClass + "<br/>" +
            "Attack Bonus: " + this.attackBonus + "<br/>" +
            "Weapon Damage: " + this.weaponDamage;
        alive: true

function monster (name, hitpoints, armorclass, attackbonus, weapondamage) { = name;
        this.hitPoints = hitpoints;
        this.armorClass = armorclass;
        this.attackBonus = attackbonus;
        this.weaponDamage = weapondamage;
        this.monsterStats = function(){
    return + "<br/>" +
                "Hit Points: " + this.hitPoints + "<br/>" +
            "Armor Class: " + this.armorClass + "<br/>" +
            "Attack Bonus: " + this.attackBonus + "<br/>" +
            "Weapon Damage: " + this.weaponDamage;
    this.selected = false;
    this.alive = true;

 function selectMonster () {
        var werewolf = new monster("Werewolf", 5, 4, 4, 3);
    var goblin = new monster("Goblin", 15, 4, 4, 3);
      case 1: if (werewolf.selected===false){werewolf.selected = false; return werewolf;} break;
      case 2: if (goblin.selected===false){goblin.selected = false; return goblin;} break;

function battle (actualmonster){
    if (actualmonster.alive===false){
        actualmonster.selected = false;
        actualmonster.alive = true;
        var d20 = Math.floor(Math.random()*20)+1;
        var d_wp = Math.floor(Math.random()*hero.weaponDamage)+1;
        if (d20+hero.attackBonus>actualmonster.armorClass){
          $(".battle_info").html("You attack!: d20+" + hero.attackBonus+": " + (d20+hero.attackBonus)+ " vs AC " + actualmonster.armorClass + "<br/>" + "You hit!: d" + hero.weaponDamage + ": " + d_wp);
            actualmonster.hitPoints = actualmonster.hitPoints - d_wp;
        else {$(".battle_info").html("You miss!: d20+" + hero.attackBonus+": " + (d20+hero.attackBonus)+ " vs AC " + actualmonster.armorClass);
        if (actualmonster.hitPoints <= 0){
            actualmonster.hitPoints = 0;  
            $(".battle_info").html("You killed the monster!");
            actualmonster.alive = false;
                var d20_m = Math.floor(Math.random()*20)+1;
                var d_wp_m = Math.floor(Math.random()*hero.weaponDamage)+1;
        if (d20_m+actualmonster.attackBonus>hero.armorClass){
          $(".battle_info").append("<br/>Monster attacks you!: d20+" + actualmonster.attackBonus+": " + (d20_m+actualmonster.attackBonus)+ " vs AC " + hero.armorClass + "<br/>" + "Monster hits you!: d" + actualmonster.weaponDamage + ": " + d_wp_m);
            hero.hitPoints = hero.hitPoints - d_wp_m;
        else {$(".battle_info").append("<br/>Monster miss!: d20+" + hero.attackBonus+": " + (d20_m + actualmonster.attackBonus)+ " vs AC " + hero.armorClass);
<script src=""></script>
<p class="monster_info"></p>
                <p class="battle_info"></p>
                <p class="hero_info"></p>
                <button type="button">Attack</button>

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