dimanche 27 septembre 2015

How do i randomly display my questions so its now always the same? (JavaScript)

<script type="text/javascript">

var questions = [
var qNo = 0;
var correct = 0;
var cnt = 0;

function NextQuestion(response) {
  if ((qNo < questions.length) && (response == questions[qNo][1])) { correct++; }
    = 'Your score is '+correct+'/'+(cnt+1);
  if (qNo < questions.length) { document.getElementById('Pic').src = questions[qNo][0]; cnt++; }
                     else { alert('Quiz is done'); }
onload = function() {
 document.getElementById('Pic').src = questions[0][0];


Okay so basically I have 17 questions and 17 answers that are listed using the numbers 0-16, what I want to do is randomize the order in which the pictures are shown so that you cant just find a pattern and not answer it right, also and I cant figure this out, I want to make it so that after each question is answered a green Correct or a Red incorrect shows up depending on If you got the previous question right can anyone help?

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