lundi 28 septembre 2015

"Randomizer" Code not working in IE

I'm trying to display a bunch of divs in a random order with 4 divs in each of them. Those have to be in a random order too. My code:

var cards = $(".qcards").get();
    cards.sort(function() {
        return Math.random()*30 > 5 ? 1 : -2;
    $.each(cards,function(i,el) {
        var color = this.className,
            $el = $(el);
        $el.css({backgroundColor: color}).appendTo( $el.parent() );

var answers = $(".answer").get();
    answers.sort(function() {
        return Math.random()*30 > 5 ? 1 : -2;
    $.each(answers,function(i,el) {
        var color = this.className,
            $el = $(el);
        $el.css({backgroundColor: color}).appendTo( $el.parent() );

There are 40 .qcards and in each of those 4 .answer

Somehow this isn't working in IE, there's no error message/code though. The only statement I get when I'm debugging is "'return'" statement outside of function. Is it possbile that .get() isn't working in IE?

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