lundi 24 octobre 2016

Trying to implement health into a python game

import random
import time
def fighting():
    def fight():
        print 'You take a swing at the Knight'
        for i in range(1):

        if i > .5:
            print 'Direct Hit!'

            print 'He parries!'
    swing = raw_input("> ")
    if swing.lower() in {"swing"}:


Hi, I'm trying to implement some sort of health system into my game in Python. This is a small excerpt, but it's what the whole (extremely simple) fighting system is based off of. Basically I want it so that if your swing hits four times that it reads with a message that you've won. The major problem is that I'm an extremely novice programmer, and it was basically a miracle that I got this to work. I have no idea how to implement my plan further than this and I could really use some pointers and help. I was thinking a loop of some sort, but I don't know how you'd do that. Anyways, Please help! Thank you!

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