jeudi 28 juin 2018

What is the best recomendation for a random num. gen. for windows (using dev CPP)?

In linux I use drand48 and srand48. It works GREAT. Now I am trying to run my code (for simplicity, say it is c, not c++) on Dev-CPP in windows 7, and apparently this doesn't work (yes - I remember to include stdlib.h). See code segment below.

There is an infinite number OLD discussions (that I've found) about this problem online. My simple question is:

What is the best alternative for drand48, for me to use on my system. I need good accuracy since I have to select 10^8 random numbers (in a loop). For the same reason, I also need it to be fast. This is 2018: What do we have now for this purpose? How to use it?


Code segment:

#include <omp.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h> 
#include <time.h>
double Gaussian(void)   
double X1,X2,Y1,w=0.0; 
do { X1=2.0*(drand48())-1.0; 
 w=X1*X1+X2*X2; } while (w>=1.0); 
static int q=0;  
if (q==0) Y1=X1*w; else { Y1=X2*w; q=1-q; } 
return Y1;

int main (void) /* Main program */ 
long int iseed=time(0);
int n=0; 
double X=0.0;

    for (n=0;n<10;n+=1) 
return (0);  

This returns: [Error] 'drand48' was not declared in this scope. Also: [Error] 'srand48' was not declared in this scope.

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