samedi 30 juin 2018

Why does this playlist code work fine on only about half the browsers/platforms/html test sites?

I have tested this code on three different test sites using three different browsers on two different MacOS versions. It works perfect on some and not at all on the others. I even tried an alternate manual playlist code wizard using SCM Player at but the embed code that produced works nowhere. Anyway, here is the code that works half the time (placed within the tags). Any help would be greatly appreciated!

<script type="text/javascript">
var numberOfSongs = 26
var sound = new Array(numberOfSongs+1)
sound[0]= ""
sound[1]= ""
sound[2]= ""
sound[3]= ""
sound[4]= ""
sound[5]= ""
sound[6]= ""
sound[7]= ""
sound[8]= ""
sound[9]= ""
sound[10]= ""
sound[11]= ""
sound[12]= ""
sound[13]= ""
sound[14]= ""
sound[15]= ""
sound[16]= ""
sound[17]= ""
sound[18]= ""
sound[19]= ""
sound[20]= ""
sound[21]= ""
sound[22]= ""
sound[23]= ""
sound[24]= ""
sound[25]= ""
function randomNumber(){
var randomLooper = -1
while (randomLooper < 0 || randomLooper > numberOfSongs ||isNaN(randomLooper)){    randomLooper = parseInt(Math.random()*(numberOfSongs+1))
return randomLooper
var randomsub = randomNumber()
var soundFile = sound[randomsub]
document.write ('<EMBED src= "' + soundFile + '" hidden=true  type="audio/mpeg" autostart=true loop=true>')

Here is a link to the web page to see if works (plays music) on your browser or platform; maybe you can extract the code from there if necessary:

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