lundi 27 janvier 2020

AxisError: axis 1 is out of bounds for array of dimension 0

I have the following code for one of NIST randomness tests. it is a python version on git hub at: the code is as follows:

def longest_one_block_test(binary_data:str, verbose=False):

        length_of_binary_data = len(binary_data)

        # print('Length of binary string: ', length_of_binary_data)

        # Initialized k, m. n, pi and v_values

        if length_of_binary_data < 128:

            # Not enough data to run this test

            return (0.00000, False, 'Error: Not enough data to run this test')

        elif length_of_binary_data < 6272:

            k = 3
            m = 8
            v_values = [1, 2, 3, 4]
            pi_values = [0.2148, 0.3672, 0.2305, 0.1875]

        elif length_of_binary_data < 750000:

            k = 5

            m = 128

            v_values = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

            pi_values = [0.1174, 0.2430, 0.2493, 0.1752, 0.1027, 0.1124]


            # If length_of_bit_string > 750000

            k = 6

            m = 10000

            v_values = [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]

            pi_values = [0.0882, 0.2092, 0.2483, 0.1933, 0.1208, 0.0675, 0.0727]

        number_of_blocks = floor(length_of_binary_data / m)

        block_start = 0

        block_end = m

        xObs = 0

        # This will intialized an array with a number of 0 you specified.

        frequencies = zeros(k + 1)

        # print('Number of Blocks: ', number_of_blocks)

        for count in range(number_of_blocks):

            block_data = binary_data[block_start:block_end]

            max_run_count = 0

            run_count = 0

            # This will count the number of ones in the block

            for bit in block_data:

                if bit == '1':

                    run_count += 1

                    max_run_count = max(max_run_count, run_count)


                    max_run_count = max(max_run_count, run_count)

                    run_count = 0

            max(max_run_count, run_count)

            #print('Block Data: ', block_data, '. Run Count: ', max_run_count)

            if max_run_count < v_values[0]:

                frequencies[0] += 1

            for j in range(k):

                if max_run_count == v_values[j]:

                    frequencies[j] += 1

            if max_run_count > v_values[k - 1]:

                frequencies[k] += 1

            block_start += m

            block_end += m

        # print("Frequencies: ", frequencies)

        # Compute xObs

        for count in range(len(frequencies)):

            xObs += pow((frequencies[count] - (number_of_blocks * pi_values[count])), 2.0) / (

                    number_of_blocks * pi_values[count])

        p_value = gammaincc(float(k / 2), float(xObs / 2))

        return (p_value, (p_value > 0.01))

when i run it for some binary string, i am getting the message AxisError: axis 1 is out of bounds for array of dimension 0.
this test is one of many other ones. all run correctly, except for this one. not sure what is wrong with it.

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