lundi 27 janvier 2020

How to create sample CSV data to test with including date, string and numeric formats using Linux shell

I am looking to generate CSV data to test with in third party products.

I would like to create different types of data numeric / string.

My aim is to generate this data using Linux shell scripting.

I would be using random functions like echo cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w ${1:-32} which have been used to generate characters.

The outcome is like this: zMHqyni4P1ovqJtXK2HKhe19efgbxy1t

Is there any way of generating strings with words concatenated with meaning instead of random string chains?

That would be used for First/Last Names & Email addresses.

Is it possible to do it with native Linux?


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