vendredi 31 janvier 2020

non-conformable arrays error when multiplying two matrix (*%*)

The next reproducible code generates 394 observations of 183 random normales, and tries to correlate them with Cholesky decomposition:

Generate the parameters

d <- 211

l <- 183

m <- -0.006495094

vectorsd <- rep(0.29, 183)

Generate random normals uncorrelated

rnormd <-, mean = m, sd = vectorsd))

for (i in 1:(d+l))  {
  rnormd[,i] <- rnorm(l, mean = m, sd = vectorsd)

Generate a random semidefinite positive matrix of correlations

v <- runif(183,0.6,0.8)
corr <- `diag<-`(tcrossprod(v),1)

Generate cholesky matrix

cholesky <- chol(corr)

Correlate the normals and transpose the output

rnormd <- t(rnormd*cholesky)

In this last instruction I get the error

Error in rnormd * cholesky : non-conformable arrays

At first a thought that the problem was going to be solved transposing my cholesky matrix, but then I realized that chol() function already transposes it.

Can anyone help me?

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