mardi 4 octobre 2022

I am trying to replace '_' in display list with the guessed letters from the user, as it works fine with all characters expect for the index 0:

import random
# making a list with word_list
word_list = ['Lemon', 'Apple', 'Kiwi']

#picking random word
chosen_word = random.choice(word_list)

print(f'the solution is {chosen_word}.')
display = []
word_length = len(chosen_word)
for _ in range(word_length):
    display += '_'

end_of_game = False
while not end_of_game:
    guess = input('Guess the letter: ').lower()
    for position in range(word_length):
        letter = chosen_word[position]
        if letter == guess:
            display[position] = letter
    if '_' not in display:
        end_of_game == True
        print('You win')

It prints, for example if chosen word is Apple, and guess from user is A, it shows "A _ _ _ _". And I need to fill all the spaces with correct letters, but what I ma getting is all letters but not the letter at index 0.

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