I've hacked this together with random code from stack exchange I would love someone who can actually script to look it over and let me know what else I need to do to it.
the goals of this script,
- to look at *.webm files in a folder (or subfolders recursively)
- pick one at random
- create a temp folder
- place a copy of the file in the temp folder
- move and rename the file to a hardcoded name and location (the custom boot animation folder for the Steam Deck)
- delete the temp folder (cleanup for next time)
Other goal for the script, to be ran as a cron job on @reboot so that everytime the steam deck boots it changes to a random collection of boot animations
#!/usr/bin/env bash
shopt -s nullglob
shopt -u nullglob
if [[ ${#files[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "No matching files!"
file=${files[$((RANDOM % ${#files[@]}))]}
mkdir ~/.local/bootvidstaging
cp "$file" ~/.local/bootvidstaging
cd ~/.local/bootvidstaging
mv *.webm ~/.local/share/Steam/steamui/overrides/movies/deck_startup.webm
rm -rf ~/.local/bootvidstaging
I would like to have a hard location for the storage of the boot animations (~/.local/bootanimations)
thanks in advance, this is obviously above my skill level (Im sure my script is wrong) but I am learning as I go so breaking it down for me and pointing me to the resources I need to look at are very very welcome
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