lundi 2 janvier 2017

How to format a long python list into a FORTRAN multi-line array?

I have a problem. I am programming a math calculation program in FORTRAN. In there I have to initialize an array of random values. These values have to be normally distributed with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

I did the following script in python 2.7 to generate 900 of such values.

import numpy as np

mu, sigma = 0, 1.0
list = []

i = 0
while i < 901:
    s = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, None)
    list.append(format(s, '.3f'))
    i += 1

print list

This returns this list:

['-1.403', '-1.498', '0.573', '-0.056', '-0.226', '-0.514', ..., ]

The problem is that I can't just copy this into my FORTRAN code because the values there are written in the followint way:

DATA STR / 0.978,  -0.52 ,  -0.368,   1.69 ,  &   !Giving random values. Temperary solution for
          -1.48 ,   0.985,   1.475,  -0.098,  &   !random number generating, based on the normal law
          -1.633,   2.399,   0.261,  -1.883,  &
          -0.181,   1.675,  -0.324,  -1.029,  &
          -0.185,   0.004,  -0.101,  -1.187,  &
          -0.007,   1.27 ,   0.568,  -1.27 ,  &
           ... &
           ... &
           ... &


Meaning that I have to format the python list into something like:

NUM1, NUM2, NUM3, NUM4, &

How would I go about doing this?


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