I need to generate a random number to use as request code for my pending intent, to use in alarm manager. The random number needs to be unique. I generate a unique number then check it if it exists in my hashmap I have used in my shared preference. If the number exists in the preference, I generate a different random number. I have used the following code for that:
private int getRandNum() {
// create instance of Random class
Random rand = new Random();
int requestCode;
// Generate random integers in range 0 to 999
requestCode = rand.nextInt(1000);
HashMap<String, DataObject> map = preferencesHelper.getTaskDetails();
if (map != null) {
if (!map.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry<String, DataObject> stringLongEntry : map.entrySet()) {
DataObject dataObject = stringLongEntry.getValue();
if (requestCode == dataObject.getRequestCode()) {
requestCode = getRandNum();
return requestCode;
I'm trying to implement the functionality of cancelling the alarm on click of button. What is happening is that a different alarm gets cancelled when I implement the cancel functionality on click of button. I was wondering if that had something to do with generating a unique request code.
Please help me fix that.
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